My Marriage Vows

Love is not all you need

I got married on the 1st July 2023. We’ve been together since 2016.

We crafted 5 values which underpin the success of our relationship, and what we aspire to commit to every day.

During our ceremony we both offered a speech; to each other and to our community. We wished to offer the ingredients of our relationship, and what it really means, for us, to commit. The beauty and the hard reality of being in love.

Below is the poem I wrote that are my vows to this beautiful man, and what I shared on that balmy summer’s day.



Team Spirit


Staying Power

Love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough

Love needs Honesty

Above all else


Honesty is to love 

as water is to fish

As sunlight is to plants

Without honesty, 

love is like a bird with one wing

Let’s be real

It takes courage to be honest

It takes courage to be honest with yourself

because, well

the truth 

Can be pretty inconvenient

But when I lie to myself

When I withhold from you

It is like ignoring holes in the boat

Hoping all will be well

And slowly, quietly, sinking

My commitment to you

Is to have the courage to rock the boat

To save it from going under

To get down in the hull

and fill that hole

With my tender, my raw

My sometimes excruciating 


Because love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough

Love needs responsibility

Two pillars holding up the house

Standing side by side

Facing out towards life

Self responsibility means

To keep our own sides of the street clean

It's the strength to really listen

and own what is rightfully mine

To apologise every single time

I fall out of line

To hold my hands up and say

‘I’m sorry’

‘I was wrong’

Responsibility is to feel all that needs to be felt

To know when to ask for help

Grieve what’s lost

and forgive what’s past

A great love should continue to show

the ways in which we need to grow

Because Love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough

Love needs Team Spirit

Beyond the battle of desires

Beyond ideas of right and wrong

Beyond me vs you

Is where Team Spirit lives

I’ll meet you there

Team spirit is tacking

Back and forth across the ocean

Towards a shared destination

Is to give and take

Is the wisdom to know

When to wait

and what to sacrifice 

Team spirit is to say

I am more than this body

I am more than this single entity

Floating through life

I am part of something greater than myself

Something worth setting aside

My superficial desires for

Team spirit it is to say

I will be there

Night or day

For as long as it takes

Because Love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough

Love needs Cherishing

You deserve to be cherished

And every day with you is precious

We all have our holes

And yours are edged with gold

That say ‘we don’t know what tomorrow brings’

You teach me to never take this for granted

May I never take you for granted

But cherish you the way darkness cherishes the seed

So that you may root down

and find security in the muddy cuddle of the ground

May I be the ground that holds, protects and nurtures you

May you feel solid in the soil of my love

And hear words of praise 

Each day that you wake

So that there can be no doubt in your mind

That you are the one I love

Cherishing is the sweetness of life

It’s what keeps love alive

Cherish little and often

Because Love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough

Love needs Staying Power

The power to stay

The power to hold fast

Hold on in rough storms

Hold in my heart the bigger picture

Hold your hand through hard times

I will be here

Staying power is the anchor

That allows all else to thrive and grow

In the safety of knowing

I will be here

It is the ground from which 

we can take great leaps and risks

Seeking novelty and exhilaration

Weathering boredom and frustration

In sickness and in health

I will be here

Because love is not all you need

Love alone is not enough


Ritual is essential to human flourishing