Wild Feminesto
My guiding Principles
I am remembering the continuing need to reconnect with the 'why' behind what I do. These are the principles by which I choose to live my life, and the work I offer is in service to this vision.
Part 1: How I Show Up With Myself
Part 2: In Relationship to Another
Part 3: In Facing Challenges and Conflict
Part 4: How I Show Up in Work
PART 1: How I Show up With Myself
I acknowledge and celebrate myself as a complex and contradictory, weird and wonderful woman.
I acknowledge my value, and that I have something precious to share with the world.
My words and actions have an impact, and I am capable of remarkable things.
I accept who I am in this moment, and allow myself to change and grow.
I am courageous in who and how I love.
I stay close to myself when I am withdrawing and wanting to hide.
I am honest with myself.
I value truth above comfort.
I can identify the stories that I tell myself, and have the discipline to be discerning about which ones I roll with.
I notice when something doesn’t feel right, and make time for inquiry.
I do not settle.
I allow myself to feel content.
I connect to my deepest longing, and am an active participant in my own fulfilment.
I celebrate my creativity, pleasure and all things that bring me joy.
I make time to do the things that make me feel most alive.
PART 2: In Relationship to Another
I see and celebrate your magnificence!
I hold you in your complexity and the fullness of who you are.
I welcome your vulnerability and tenderness with generosity and an open heart.
I will meet you in depth and in silliness.
Play, creativity and self expression are among the ways I enjoy being with you.
I am your cheerleader, actively and vocally supporting you and your projects.
I guard your secrets.
I am deliberate about who I spend my time with, and choose to be with people with whom there is an equal reciprocation of love, time, care and commitment.
I do not offer more than I am able to give.
I will do my best not to judge your decisions (and when I fail at this I will ask permission before sharing with you)
I will be honest with you.
I cannot be close with you unless I feel it is safe to be in conflict. This involves an openness from both parties to feedback, a willingness to admit a wrong, evidence of making steps to work on ourselves if required.
I make time to offer you honest feedback, and I expect the same in return.
I am affectionate and enthusiastic with my love for you.
PART 3: In Facing Challenges and Conflict
I recognise that I do not always have a choice in what happens to me, but I do have a choice in how I relate to it and the meaning I take.
I choose not to be a victim.
I am a human being who experiences hardship, grief, devastation and trauma, AND I take responsibility for making time and space to grieve and process my challenging experiences.
I take responsibility for the way I feel.
I take responsibility for the pain that my actions have caused others by listening, acknowledging, apologising and actively working through patterns and blind spots that have caused that pain.
I seek support and ask for help.
I share openly and honestly with others who hurt me, and I do my best to own what is mine and the ways that I may have contributed to the situation arising.
I forgive others, for the peace of my own soul.
I forgive myself when I can’t always respond in the ways outlined above.
PART 4: How I Show Up in my Work
I choose to work in environments which welcome the full spectrum of who I am, where I feel safe to be myself, and do not need to hide or shape myself in order to fit in.
I am motivated by projects with visions that I believe in, where joy, creativity and community are at the heart.
My decision making is informed by my head, heart and gut.
I value and trust the intelligence of my body.
I know how to read my body cues when something is out of alignment or integrity, and I have the courage to take the course that is best for me.
I am bold and brave in offerings.
I allow myself to shine and my passion is to create spaces for others to shine with me.
I am always looking for my growth edge.
Challenging myself to do things that scare me is where I feel most alive.
I am in conversation with mystery about my purpose. It is not a fixed state, and I am always listening for where I am meant to go next.
I no longer take failure personally, and instead see it as an opportunity to learn.
I make time to remember the ‘why’ behind my work, and do my best be in service to this vision.
I take time to rest, integrate, learn and become reinspired.
I take seriously my commitments and am realistic about what I have capacity for when making agreements.
I am open to feedback. I listen, learn and adapt.
I am in a dance with my shadow, and bring compassion when I feel her acting through me.
I am an intuitive leader. I come prepared, and am able to abandon the plan in order to respond to what the group most needs.
I love to collaborate, and know with precision what my needs are in a collaboration.
I need my collaborators to be ‘yes and’ people, who are able to remain calm in stressful situations, who can communicate openly, honestly and courageously, who are reliable in their commitments, and who I can have loads of fun with.